Monday 29 July 2013

The letterbox dilemma


Big problem.

It turns out a lot of letter boxes won't fit an A4 envelope through them. Oh dear. Because the drawing of the Airedales was for a birthday surprise, the client and I decided that hand delivering it would be better that leaving it to the mercy of the Royal Mail. I popped round, happy as Larry, only to discover that their letter box wasn't big enough to fit the drawing through. Fortunately I could tell someone was in and so I left the envelope outside the door, knocked and ran. Scary stuff. I immediately messaged the client telling her where I had left it and luckily it was her who was in, so the surprise was still a, well, surprise. Phew.

For future deliveries, I have decided that I will hand deliver local commissions, and place thick card around the drawings if they are sent by post so that they can't be folded to fit through a small letter box.

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