Monday 14 October 2013

"Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly."

For my project, I have decided to do some sort of visual information booklet or leaflet for people in hospital which will explain to them what is happening to their body/how a certain procedure will work.

For example, for a person with heart disease, the booklet will explain:

- How the healthy heart pumps blood around the body
- How their heart is working differently to other peoples
- What treatments can be used to fix it

The idea of using illustrations instead of writing could be particularly helpful for those who struggle with reading, those who do not speak English as their first language, or those who are simply more 'visual' people.

At the moment, I picture the booklet being a bit like an safety leaflet on an aeroplane, where images get the message across quickly and concisely without the need for long paragraphs of writing.

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